Monday 20 June 2016

LSE Women's Walk!

Being budding feminists, we took part of the LSE Women’s Walk which is a mobile phone app designed to combine smartphone technology with the amazing material found in the LSE Women’s Library. We wanted to see first-hand all the places the Suffragettes went to in London and what memory London has of them.

App added and we were ready to go!

The app was amazing as it had a clear route directing us to the different places in London where the Suffragettes made their mark. We started off local and visited places near us and slowly made our way outside of Bow. There were even some places we spotted that were not particularly on the app map, none the less we thought it was even more important to add these places on our blog!

Besides seeing all these wonderful and historic places, we had learnt so much along the way such as the countless times these radical women had ended up in the Bow Police Station and the significance of Caxton Hall.;postID=371060115118947831;onPublishedMenu=overview;onClosedMenu=overview;postNum=29;src=postname
To view some of our visits click the image links..;postID=2628535884846657331;onPublishedMenu=overview;onClosedMenu=overview;postNum=30;src=postname

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