Saturday 25 June 2016

Highgate Cemetery - Corin Redgrave

Trotskyism. Many described Redgrave to be a supporter of the theory which supports the works of Marxism and Leon Trotsky. 
Redgrave at a rally for the Daily Press in 1971.

Corin Redgrave was born on July 16th in 1939 and only recently passed away on April 6th 2010. Not only was he known for his acting abilities he was also a far left political activist. This stemmed from his sisters work in the Workers Revolutionary Party and after the failure of the WPR the siblings formed the Marxist Party. Where Redgrave became the writer of the parties political magazine - Marxism. He was a hater of capitalism and wanted to overthrow parliamentary democracy. He went on to challenge many of Thatchers policies and often fought along the likes of George Galloway in order to break the siege of the Gaza Strip. Despite facing many challenges trying to juggle his political career and acting he never gave up on politics. And in 1993 him and his sister founded the Moving Theatre Company in which many productions included various political concern.

Picture taken of Redgraves grave which is situated opposite
his 'hero' Karl Marx

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