Dear Prime Minister,
I would like to bring to your attention the serious problem of oppression against women through the administering of taxes. I will be addressing issues about the unfair treatment of women in society, in this letter and hope you will address these issues seriously with the small steps that I urge for you to take.
A Jaffa cake is tax free in the UK, as it is branded as a necessity. After a long dispute in the courts the McVitie's treats were classified as biscuits. So we live in a society where a court dispute can lead to a biscuit company gaining a lot of money for being incorrectly taxed. It seems like a smart and efficient way to save money for the company, right? It is great that the systems we have in place in Britain can lead to business efficiency and that laws can be used to help us save money on Jaffa cakes but still pay a tax on our tampons...wait a tax on tampons?! Seems like a stupid idea to tax an item that is needed by women who go through their menstrual cycles every month. It's not a big deal though, right? Women should just deal with the laws and taxes of the land and stop complaining about their periods. The world gets it by now, just stop publicising such a thing. Right?
How can women be expected to say quiet and accept the law when it is this unreasonable. This tax free scheme seems like a good idea to help people afford items that are necessary such as milk and bread. However the scheme is heavily flawed as a product so necessary and crucial is being taxed and branded as a luxury item as though women can control their cycle and simply choose to keep clean with sanitary products. This simple right is being taken away from many women due to the fact that tampons are less affordable than they could be. When will women be given the rights they deserve? When will Parliament stop supporting this oppression of women?
We urge you; our Prime Minister to mobilize Parliament to change the law on the tampon tax and allow women to live a clean and healthy life by removing this tax on a product women can't help but need.
Thank you for your time and I hope to see some significant changes in the future for women to be treated more fairly in the UK with this one small step of removing the tax on women's menstrual tampons.